Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hanging out it Mesa, part 2

My sister calls and asks why haven't you posted anything on your blog.  I told her I have been too busy.  The time just seems to fly by.  When I try to write something at night, I fall asleep at the computer.  That's because I am sitting in the recliner.  So tonight I will sit at the computer desk until I post this.

We visited the Goldfield Ghost Town.  So far the ghost towns aren't what I expected.  But, than again I don't really know what I was expecting.  But this is what we saw.

They had a Saloon

and a jail

and a Church 
They have church services here on Sunday, but we never did make it to them
This is the gunfight

and they all end up shot except the sheriff

one of them posed with Pam, (before he got shot)

They had some really old vehicles

I thought these stools were neat
Another day we went out to walk the desert close to Superstition Mountain.  We figured we walked about  5 miles.  I am sure glad we turned around when we did because the last 45 minutes I was dragging.  Well actually I was hanging onto Ed and he was dragging me.                                                              

This is us starting out 

Parts of the path were quite rocky

The rock formations were something to see

Even though there is not much color, it is still beautiful
All I can say is we had a great time.  It is a great place to take a walk

Bye for now   Love Ed and Lyn

Hanging out in Mesa, Arizona

This was an accidental post, I was trying to edit it.  So I am going to do a "Hanging out in Mesa, part 2"

We spent one month in Mesa.  The time seemed to fly. The first week was a little chilly and we didn't do much but then it warmed up and we got out and did some thngs.  We decided to lose some weight and were going to start walking.  I think it lasted one week.  lol  But to be fair we also went on 2 bike rides.  We took a bike ride one day and 2 days later we walked about 3 miles.  Than a couple of days later Lacy asked if we wanted to do a 5 mile bike ride.  I thought if we had walked 3 miles, a 5 mile bike ride shouldn't be that hard.  I think the whole thing was uphill.

We were about half way done when we saw this hill where people were climbing.  It was Ed's idea that we should climb it.  There was a road going up to the top.  After the bike ride it was a little tough.

Than after we came down, we still had to bike home.  It was a little rough after doing the climb but we made it. 

We spent another day walking out in the desert.  We think that we walked about 5 miles but we are not sure.  It was another interesting day.  About the last 45 minutes seemed to last forever. 

Another day we went to the Goldfield Ghost Town.  This is the second ghost town we have been to and I haven't seen any ghost yet.  This one did have a shoot out, which was sort of interesting.

Another time we took a walk up Silly Mountain.  More of a hill then a mountain, but it was about all we could handle.

Hope you go on to part 2.  If I could delete this I would.   Bye  Lyn

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Montezuma Castle and Sedona

We are now in Mesa, Arizona.  Before we left Cottonwood we went to see Montezuma Castle and drove through Sedona, Arizona.  So even though I want to tell you about what we have been doing in Mesa, I want to first share about the other 2 places.  We have been keeping so busy and have really enjoyed Arizona.

The day before we left Cottonwood we decided to go see the Castle.  Well it's not really a castle, but that is what they call it.  This was a 20 room dwelling built in the 1100s CE.  Definitely a long time ago.  It is in the recess of the cliff.

Very amazing!
So here is the Castle.

This is about 100 feet above the valley
Because it was built back into the cliff, it has been preserved

These 2 pictures are of what was once was a 6 story apartment building with about 45 rooms.  This was at the base of the cliff and didn't survive as well as the one in the cliff.

 I made this larger because if you look to the left of the hole you will see a bee hive.  You can see it better in the picture below.  Also if you could read the print it says the bees are usually not aggressive, but if you get an aggressive bee, - run away quickly  -  and find a ranger to tell.  I don't know about you but I found this funny. 

On the side of the cliff you could see a lot of different caves and it looks like they were used for dwellings.

There was a creek nearby which gave them their source of water

This was a model of what it would have looked like inside

After we left the Castle we decided to drive through Sedona.  I really wasn't quite sure what it was but I saw the brochures and decided it was worth checking out.  It was absolutely gorgeous. 

Sedona is called Red Rock Country.  Once you have been there, you will know why.  This is what we saw when we got there.

 I know my pictures don't do them justice, but hope you can tell how pretty they were.  The sun on some of them just made them glow.

We turned on a side street and came across this chapel built into the side of the hill.  I guess they give tours but we were there after they closed. 

We just stumbled on this by accident

Wouldn't you like to go out on your back porch and have your morning coffee and look at this

This was just one beautiful house.  There were many in Sedona
By the time we got to Sedona it was getting late or we would have spent more time there.  The brochure says it is voted the No. 1 most beautiful place in America.  I can see why.  If we get back this way I will definitely go there again. 

Bye for now,  Love  Ed and Lyn