I can't believe we have went 3 nights without any sighting of a mouse. Thank you Lord!!!
Remember I was battling it out with one mouse on my last blog. Our nephew suggested we take it in as a pet. I don't think so. haha I shudder when I even think about it. Well, it took 3 more nights but he finally made a mistake. I am sitting there on that night and I hear him scouring around where the air vent is. Remember we had all the other traps on the other side. I was watching the vent area and the trap went off. I almost jumped out of my skin. I didn't hear anything for a while, then I heard him moving. The noise stops and starts for quite some time. There was no way I was going to look in there. When Ed gets up he pulls up the panel to get the trap, it is his job to dispose of them . It's empty so he pulls out the sticky tray. We have one of those that is a flat surface with glue on it or it can be folded into a narrow tube. Anyways, Ed pulls it out and I jump back and scream because there he is and he is not quite dead. Still makes me shiver to think about it. So Ed has to take it out and finishing killing him. That's horrible, I don't think I would recommend them. But yet the mice seem to be avoiding the other kind of traps.
So anyways, the saga continues. Two nights later another mouse. They just keep coming. This one gets stuck on the sticky mat behind the vent. I had put another one back there, plus a regular trap. So I can hear him struggling to get free. Then every now and then I could see him because he would stand up and look out the vent. I wanted to get Ed up but I know he needs to sleep so I just sat there listening to this for over an hour. What a horrible experience. So I finally went outside and was out there for over an hour. When I came back in, he was gone. He got loose. I couldn't believe it. I thought those things were supposed to catch them. Not catch and release them. Ed's comment, "You should have put something in there and poked him down." Right, I couldn't believe he even said that.
So the next night I see him again. Him or another one, who knows. But this time he is on the other side where the pedals are. We have moved some of the traps, so there aren't so many. He comes out in the open and than runs back. The usual "mo," they do that a lot. So later I hear him again. Sounds like he is stuck. It takes me a little bit to get up my courage, but I go over to look. I don't see anything. I go set down and keep hearing the noise. I go back over and this time I get the flashlight. Still don't see anything. While I am sitting there, I remember I had bought these 4 little sticky traps. ( I have spent a fortune on traps.) I knew where 3 of them are but couldn't find the 4th one. So I get the flashlight again and go looking for the trap. I found it in a small cubby hole behind the pedals. If the mouse had been there, I know I would have screamed. But he had made his escape, again. They do leave their hair behind. If it was the same mouse as the night before, Ed says it probably looks like he has mange. Ed again says "You should get something and smack them." For one thing, he was stuck back in a hole and I couldn't even find him. And number 2, where does he thing I am going to get this courage.
Well, it's been 3 nights and we haven't had any more sightings. So did this mouse decide he had enough and leave. Ed says they don't think like that. We will see.
Well for our other interesting day.
I got up to go to the bathroom about 12:30 am and realize we have lost some of our power. I realized it because the night lights weren't on. And the air conditioner isn't running, the fan was running but not the air itself. So I go out and ask Ed if he realizes we have lost some of our power. He hadn't. So he goes out and checks the generator and it seems to be working. We check the breakers inside and outside. Everything is ok. He shuts off the outside generator and starts the motor home generator. I go back to bed and I can't hear the air conditioner running. I get up and see the night lights are still off. So I tell Ed, it appears our generator is not working. We had some power but not all power. As far as we knew at that time, we were running off our batteries and not sure if we would be able to charge them. So we shut off everything we can and I go back to bed. You know how hard it is to go to sleep when you know you have a problem. But I managed to sleep and got back up at 3:30 to relieve Ed. So Ed says don't run anything you don't need to and goes to bed. And "Oh by the way, I saw a mouse in the kitchen area." (This was back before the last mouse.) Well, up until than we hadn't seen them in that area. They had only been in the front where I could keep an eye on them. Plus I usually keep about 3 lights on in the morning, this morning because of the electrical problem, I only left 1 on. So I am sitting practically in the dark, worrying about where the mouse may be and also if we are going to be able to fix the electrical problem. What a morning.
Ed was up by 8:30, so he couldn't sleep either. Still couldn't find the problem, but we did find out our generator was charging our batteries. This meant we could get by until we could find someone to come fix it. So that was a little bit of relief.
That morning I called all over trying to find someone to come out and work on our problem. That was on Monday, I did get one commitment for Wednesday, after about 5 calls. They were coming from quite a distance, so not sure how much that was going to cost. At that point we were willing to pay anything. So about 1:30 I received a call back from one of my other calls. So I told him the problem and he says it sounds like a GFI breaker but he would come if we wanted him too. So I told him I would check it out and call him back. Can you believe that is what it was? I couldn't believe Ed hadn't checked it, but then I guess he didn't think about it. There wasn't any reason for the breaker to trip that we know of. So that problem got fixed and we saved probably close to $200. I am sure the service call would have been at least $100 plus their time. I did call the guy back and thanked him.
On the gate guarding forum they say to watch out for the snakes. So far we haven't seen any. That's a big plus. But there are other creatures.
This is on the outside of the window. We have had a few
inside but not as menacing as this one. He is between the glass and the
covering we have on the windshield. He was there almost a week but
now is gone. |
Ed's walking stick |
Ed says it's the biggest one he has ever seen |
This is one creature that doesn't freak me out |
We have officially become Winter Texans. You have heard the saying, we bought the t-shirt, well we bought the sign.
Happy Trails Love Ed and Lyn
One of my favorite scriptures:
Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.