We left the Keys on Sunday morning and I was still impressed with the beautiful water. It was just gorgeous Here are some more pictures I took on our way back to Miami.
When we hit the main land the GPS (we call it Alice) wanted us to take the turn pike and I didn't want to go that way. According to the atlas we should be able to go straight up what I thought was Hwy 1. The GPS kept trying to get us to turn and I kept wondering why she just didn't accept the way we were going. Than all of a sudden we start seeing the tall buildings in Miami. Ed says it looks like we are heading downtown. I say we can't be, we are on Hwy 1 and it doesn't go downtown. So finally Ed is getting stressed, the buildings are getting closer, the traffic is getting heavier. So I tell him to go ahead and listen to "Alice" and take the turn pike. I than get my computer out and pull up Miami and after I enlarge it, I see that Rt 1 does go downtown. It split off of the road I wanted to be on and I hadn't realized it. We were saved at the last minute by "Alice" and missed going downtown. We were about 20 minutes from the casino and Ed was more than ready to stop.
We stayed at the casino 2 nights. The next day we were going to do some geocaching around Miami. I figured it would be a way to explore the surrounding area, but I had trouble getting the sites to download on my hand held Garmin. So I called Garmin and after about 2 hours on the phone we were able to upgrade the software but I still couldn't get the sites to download. So I guess I need to work on that in the future.
On Tuesday morning we left Miami, the casino and our friends. We really enjoyed hanging out with the last few days. If it wasn't for Mike and Mo we wouldn't have went to the Keys and for that I thank them. Plus they showed us how to geocach. Here is our parting shot of them.
Lyn, Mo, Mike |
We left Miami Tuesday morning. We were up by 7 o'clock and on the road by 8 o'clock. I was sort of worried we would hit heavy traffic and was surprised there was hardly any traffic at all.
Can you believe this was the traffic when we left Miami
This was an unusual sight. A tall building and it had a castle on top of it. Not sure what it was just thought it was strange.
Along the road you will see bunches of these dead trees. The park ranger at Cypress told us they planted these trees because the drink up to 40 gallons of water a day. They planted them to absorb the water in the wetlands to lay the roads. They don't need them now and they are to expensive to take up so they kill them and now just wait for the hurricanes to take them out. I thought this was interesting.
We are now at Peace River a Thousand Trails Park and plan on being here for awhile .
HAPPY TRAILS from Ed and Lyn