We arrived at Medina Lake Preserve which is a Thousand Trail RV park. It is about 40 miles from San Antonio, Texas. This is the park with all the deer. When we were here a couple years back, I was told we wouldn't like the park because we would be up to our ankles in deer poo. Well, it's not quite that bad. The deer are everywhere and when you have food they come running.
Ed waiting for the deer to come in |
Who needs a dog |
When you bring the food out, they come running |
What a rack, Ed says he would have loved to have had this one |
These two decided to butt heads |
But I think they were just giving us a show |
Than of course their are always the babies |
We were out driving the Ranger around and came across all these bones. Not sure if they just put the deer here when they die or what.
This one was actually like a pit |
This park is located on what use to be a lake. When we were here 2 years ago, the lake was low. Well, it is now completely gone. They use the lake for irrigation for the farmers. Because of the drought it is completely drained. We were able to drive the Ranger on what use to be the lake.
Not quite sure how the road came to be here so fast, is there that much traffic
When we were here 2 years ago the lake was still here |
This is what is left of what use to be a lake |
bottom of the lake, not much here but we did find this boat |
This lake was used for irrigation for the farmers, not sure what they will do now. The ranger at the rv park said it has really hurt their business also. While we were there the park was almost empty.
We really enjoyed the River Walk in San Antonio the last time we were here so decided to go there again. We went in the evening because we had heard it's really pretty with all the lights they have. We were disappointed to find out they don't turn them on until Thanksgiving. We still had a really nice time. The temperature had cooled down and we took the boat trip.
The boat takes you all along the river walk |
you go under several bridges |
Even though they didn't have the lights on, there were
other lights. One of the buildings on the canal. |
Ed thought it was interesting how the ducks come up and eat the scraps on the floor |
The only bad thing was finding the car when we decided to leave. We sort of got turned around and wasn't sure where it was at. I hate to admit it but we didn't look to see what the name of the street was we were parked on. I had taken the gps out of the car and put it in my purse. It helped but it would also have helped to know what street we were on. You feel really stupid when asking directions. But you learn by your mistakes, right. lol But it was a nice night for a walk and we did eventually find it.
We knew we were parked close to this church but we
didn't know the name of it because this was the back side of it |
walking back to the car and saw this sign in a barber shop
that's one way to get them in |
A couple of days later we decided to drive back in to San Antonio. One of the things we don't like about it is the traffic and finding a place to park. We went to the Alamo and several of the missions the last time we were here, so decided we didn't want to that again. I found a Mexican flea market called El Mercado and a Japanese Tea Gardens on the Internet and we thought we would check them out. We weren't impressed with El Mercado. Once we got there, I realized we had been there the last time. I thought it was going to be outside but it was inside a building, sort of like a mini-mall. We walked around the center and I went in a few shops but we didn't buy anything. We did stop and eat at a Mexican restaurant which Ed seems to be stuck on at the time being.
Thought the little guy was cute |
Interesting decoration of crosses |
Outside they had a nice area to eat, although it was too hot to eat outside |
Interesting window valance |
Than we headed over to the Japanese Tea Gardens. It is also known as a Chinese Tea Gardens. I wouldn't know the difference. This was an abandoned limestone rock quarry. They did a beautiful job with it. It was free and the parking was free, which is always nice. The gardens were nice but it would have been better later in the day when it wasn't so warm.
So many rocks |
You don't know how out of shape you are
until you start climbing stairs |
The waterfall was beautiful, picture doesn't do it justice |
The gold fish were huge, I wish I could have put something
next to them to show the size |
And last but not least the flowers
Sorry I don't know the names, just thought they were pretty |
This one was gorgeous |
This one is blurry, but still pretty |
We are waiting to get a call about the gate guard so not sure how long we will be here.
Sorry, I actually wrote this blog last week, but was waiting to get the pictures downloaded. So now here it is a week later and we are at a gate guard site. Will be my next blog.
Happy Trails Love Ed and Lyn
San Antonio has always been one of my favorite places. The last time we were at Lake Medina the lake was pretty nice but that was three years ago. It's sad that it's no longer there.