Monday, November 21, 2011

Siteseeing in Holbrook Arizona

Sometimes you never know what you are going to see in the small towns.  We went looking for a grocery store to get some milk and the town of Holbrook was the closest place to go.  Although we had been to the petrified forest and to the gift shops there, when we got to Holbrook we saw this store saying they were the biggest seller of petrified wood and they had a lot.  This was only one side of the building.  It still amazes me how much it cost when there is this much.  But eventually it will run out.

This was also setting in the parking lot of this store.  It seems like everywhere we go we see old cars.

 Ed says this has to be the most expensive fish pond he had ever seen.  It was surrounded by the petrified wood.

While there we came across this Wigwam motel.  It was unique so we decided to go check it out. 

Here is the entrance, which it seemed like a unique place to stay but as you see below, inside it was just a small motel room

nothing special inside

Outside the wigwam were all these old cars. At first we thought it must be some kind of car show.   Some looked like they could be driven and some were in pretty bad shape.  Ed talked to the owner and he told him he owned them all.  It was interesting looking at them all.  And I'm not even that much into old cars.

Can you imagine these cars all just sitting outside this motel.  I wonder if the guy will ever do anything with them.  The last couple were up by the office and looked in pretty good shape.

That was our day.  You just never know what you are going to find in these small towns.


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